
I believe that everyone who wants to find the love of his or her life, can do so. I believe that happy, stable, loving, harmonious and monogamous relationships are possible and deeply rewarding, most often but not only within a contract of marriage. – I also believe that you do not have to seek a love relationship or make it central to your life to be happy.

Whatever your model of happiness, I would like to help you find it, by changing the odds in your favor. Economists and sociologists have studied our patterns of life, including encounters, relationships and commitment and produced massive evidence that has never been used to this purpose. Loveonomics will curate it for you.

How many soulmates can I have (and where are they)? Who ends up in power couples? Is it all about sex, or about power? What does your mother-in-law really do to your marriage? These and similar questions, including any one that you would be so kind to send us, will be answered in this Blog.  Expect the unexpected.

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